Guthrie FMC is a leading Integrated Facilities Management (IFM) Company. Since 1990, we have successfully completed 141 projects by utilizing technologies, innovations, work safety, and sustainable environment practices. Presently, we are managing 20 ongoing contracts.

Guthrie Engineering
We Deliver
We know that to keep a facility functioning well, the people who occupy and use the facility must discover an experience that suits their expectations. With this agenda in mind, we bring life to the building and the building to life.

Our team of professionals work 24hrs to clean, protect, maintain, green and operate the buildings.
Our Services:
- Integrated Facilities Management Services
- Managing Agent
- Minor Construction Works
- Green Mark Consultancy
- Service Management
- Tenancy and Arrears Management
- Call Centre Services
- In-house Security Services (PLRD Certified)
- In-house Landscape Services (LCR Registered)
Guthrie FMC
- President’s Certificate of Commendation (Covid-19) 2023
- Covid-19 Resilience Certificate 2023
- MOM’s Certificate of Appreciation (International Migrants Day) 2022
- HDB Quality Partners Award 2021
- Commendation Letter from JTC 2020
- MND Minister’s Award – for Monkey Pox 2019
- President’s Commendation (SARS) 2003
- ISO 45001: 2018 Occupancy Health and Safety Management Systems
- ISO 41001: 2018 Facility Management – Management Systems
- ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management Systems
- ISO 14001: 2015 Environment Management Systems
- National Environmental Agency Clean Mark Silver
- bizSAFE Star
Guthrie FMC